Sunday, November 18, 2012

Big Bed

Since the first of November, Molly has been sleeping in a twin bed! She is very proud of it. We just have the mattress & box spring on the floor so that she doesn't have far to fall if she rolls out, but she is doing just great in it. It takes more coaxing to get her to go to sleep, but she knows she isn't supposed to get out of the bed and has adjusted really well.

The deal with getting a "big girl" bed was that she couldn't use her "na-na" a.k.a. pacifier anymore. She had still been using it in the crib when she napped or went to bed for the night but now it is a thing of the past! Thank goodness! She only asked for it a time or two and hasn't made a fuss about it at all. Our little girl is growing up! Now, if we could just get the hang of potty-training!

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