Friday, September 28, 2012

Checking Cows

This is Molly's style when it comes to checking cows. She's got her tractor & her baby & she's ready to go.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Corn Fest

The Annual Knox County Corn Festival was last weekend, so it was a big time to be in Edina! It consists of a parade, tractor & car show, craft show, carnival & lots of food and entertainment. The beer gardens used to be the highlight of the festival for us, but times have changed and we spent more time at the bouncy house this year. Guess that's what happens once you have a child! Grandma Debbie spent the weekend with us & made her first trip to the Corn Fest. I'm sure she was impressed-haha!

Molly showing off her purse overflowing with "loot" from the parade.

Molly's first carnival ride! She loved the cars and "drove" several of them!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Growing Family

I think most of our family & friends know by now, but our family will be adding a new member in March! I am currently 15 weeks along and feeling good. The first trimester was tough-just like with Molly, but I haven't felt nauseous in several weeks now. The worst part has been the bad headaches, which my Dr. recommended taking Magnesium pills for, and they seem to be getting better. Keeping up with a 2 year old has also been a bit of a challenge at times but Molly has been pretty cooperative for the most part. We are very excited and hoping that this baby will be in a more favorable position (than Molly) come ultrasound time so we can find out if it will be a little sister or little brother!

Baby Bump!