Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Working Cows

Two weekends ago Luke's parents came to stay with us and help work the cows. Luke has finished the inside of the barn now so we can work the cows without having to be out in the mud/snow or the dark. It worked really well and since I'm not much help these days, it was really nice of Steve & Debbie to come and help Luke.

Luke preg checked all the cows and sorted off the few that were open. On Sunday we hauled them to Kirksville for the sale on Monday. The REALLY good news was that we were finally able to sell the crazy longhorn cow that we have hated for SO long. This is the cow that jumped over the hood of Luke's pickup the last time we tried to sort her off by herself. She then jumped at least 3 fences on her was out to the far corner of our land. Needless to say we didn't see her for a few days (maybe even weeks) and we really didn't care! So, we finally got to sell her and she was almost 1600 lbs so I'm glad that we finally got some money out of her.

The Millers brought their 6 month old puppy, Baxter, with them too. Baxter is already as tall as Kelly and much stockier. They had a good time keeping each other company, chasing cows & playing with sticks.

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