Monday, December 9, 2013

9 months

Well, I was starting to think Wessie might be 10 months old by the time I got his 9 month update done! It's been a busy last couple weeks, but Wes turned 9 months old on November 25th. His accomplishments this past month include crawling, pulling up, eating more finger foods & trying new fruits, veggies & meats, and using a sippy cup. I thought he had hit the 20 lb mark, but at his checkup the official scale weighed him in at 19.6 lbs. Additionally, he is 29 inches long. He is still a very light sleeper, but other than nighttime, he is a very happy baby. He plays so well with Molly and they have crawling races up and down the hall. It is so neat to see the love that they have for each other. This past month included his first Halloween & Thanksgiving and next up will be Christmas!

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