September was such a busy & fun month for us. The first big deal was the Knox County Corn Fest where Molly was big enough this year to participate in lots of the activities! First of all was the parade where she discovered that if you wave, you get lots more candy thrown to you. Let's just say she filled her bag for sure!
Enjoying the parade. |
Then there was the Corn Scramble. Quarters are hid in a big wagon full of corn and they put all the 3-4 year old girls in there together and see who can come up with the most quarters. Molly ended up with 3, which tied her for first. She won 2 dollar coins and a candy bar so she was very happy!
Find those quarters! |
She also participated in the Pedal Tractor Pull ending up 3rd and getting her picture in the paper with her big medal. She was lucky enough to borrow a frog from a friend and got to be in the frog jumping contest also. Her frog got loose just before the competition and jumped really far with me chasing it...but when it came time for it's jumps to actually count it was rather disappointing. Still fun though. She also got to go on a train ride and jumped in the bouncy house. What a day!
Wes & Dad |
Wessie was too little to participate in much of the Corn Fest (we refuse to do baby contests), and although he slept through the parade he did enjoy hanging out with Dad.
Other than the Corn Fest, we also made one big trip to Montana for my best friend's wedding and to visit family. It was a very busy 10 days! It was really nice that Molly had her own seat on the flight--so much more room, and Wes was a pretty good traveler. Here is a photo from the wedding. Molly was the Flower Girl and I was the Maid of Honor. It was SO gorgeous!
Waiting for the Bride's arrival. |
Now, we are back home and enjoying the little things. Molly & I made our very first apple pie and Wes started swinging in the outdoor swing. Such fun!
My pie helper! |
Swinging with some help from Sister! |
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