Molly had a great time when we were in Montana and really enjoyed playing with Tucker. They were buddies from the start and before we knew it, she was trying to kiss him! Tucker would have liked to grab her by the neck a couple times...but he would just grit his teeth and resist the urge and smile instead. She's not quite up for the rowdiness of Tucker, but they played very well. He even decided he would take her with him "to work" one day (they didn't actually drive anywhere, don't worry!):
Molly wasn't all too innocent either--I caught her trying to steal Audrey's binky several times:
Molly chillin' with her buds in Billings:

I didn't get any pictures of Molly & Colter. I guess she didn't harass him for his binky like she did Audrey. Colter is such a cutie though & I bet by the next time they're together they will be playing like crazy!
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