Last weekend seemed like we were going non-stop with working on all our projects that we hadn't been able to do because of all the rain. Now that the nice weather is here (and it's gorgeous, I must say) we were very busy!
One of our projects was to work all our cows & calves. The fall calves finally got weaned and the spring calves got shots. We set the cows up on a synchronization protocal so that we can start AI this coming weekend. Well, not all the cows. Apparently our pain in the butt bull that kept getting out last fall did a pretty good job of getting some cows bred. We were hoping to have everything switched over to spring calving for next year, but now about a third of the cows are bred to calve this fall. Not much we can do now. Here's some of the spring calves. They were very curious:

After the cows were all taken care of, Luke spent a good portion of the weekend working on the lawnmower. He really had a good time, if you can imagine. But, we were finally able to mow the yard and it looks so much better!!

I've been working on adding a new flower bed to the front of our house and finally got it finished. The big pink rosebush was all that was there before. I put in the blocks, weed mat, mulch and planted 4 new shrubs. I think it looks so much better!! Now Luke wants me to do this around the whole house...we'll see.

So far the chickens haven't been bothering it too much and they better not! I'm sure this weekend will bring many more projects so I will try to take more pictures.
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