Monday, April 9, 2012

The Easter Bunny Came!

 The Easter Bunny found Molly and left her a basket full of goodies-mud boots, summertime jammies, new "food" for her kitchen, books & even a toothbrush (so she can practice)!

The Easter Bunny also left eggs all over the yard for Molly to find after church:

Matt & Emily came & spent the night with us and we really enjoyed spending time with them. Molly had a blast with them & can't stop talking about Matt & "lalala" (as she says it).

Of course we had to take some family photos since we were all dressed up:

 Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ready For the Easter Bunny

Molly & I dyed Easter eggs earlier this week. She had so much fun and was so proud of her creations.

They were really pretty...and then they all took another round through the colors and ended up with a brownish tint. It was quite the learning experience for her.

Friday, April 6, 2012


My little helper & I got the cool weather crops planted in the garden this past Monday. We planted peas, onions, lettuce, carrots & potatoes. Molly threw a handful of pea seeds in a pile in one corner of the garden, so we'll see what that amounts to. Now we're just waiting for something to sprout!