We made the trip down to Branson for the annual Berry Family Reunion. We were not able to go last year because Molly was just a few weeks old, but we have been to it several times before. The Berry family is Luke's Grandma's on his Mom's side and they are spread throughout Missouri, Florida, Mississippi, etc. so it's pretty much the only time of the year everyone is together. This picture is of everyone from Luke's Grandma's family that was there (The Miller Family):

We always enjoy the reunion, not only do we see lots of family, but there is always stuff to do in Branson. Molly especially enjoyed the pool and swimming with the family:

Molly is getting better at her swimming--she just goes the entire time so it's really tiring to be the one "swimming" with her. She doesn't really just hang out--she kicks constantly and wants to really go! We look forward to our next trip to Branson and the next reunion!