Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! My good friend Lynmarie sent Molly the cutest Easter dress for her very first Easter! It just fits her perfect and is SO pretty. We are spending today with Luke's family and hoping that Molly will be good at church.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

All Braided Up

Molly's hair is now long enough to braid!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Project Complete!

My latest sewing project was to make a shopping cart cover to keep Molly from getting all the germs while shopping. I started it in March and just FINALLY finished it and used it for the first time this week. It works great...but there is just nothing that screams "I'M A MOM" more than using a shopping cart cover at Home Depot. Oh well. Molly really seems to like it and it's really cozy.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Playing Outside

It was finally warm enough to play outside earlier this week! Molly really likes being outside and feeling the grass and watching all the animals, etc.
I think she's just going to enjoy it more and more as it becomes summer.

Start of the Garden

Last week I decided to start some seeds in the house so they would be ready to go when the garden is. I'm never able to get the seeds in early enough that the melons are ready before Sept. or Oct. when it's already kind of past their season. So...this year I'm really trying to do it right and get off to a good start.

I was REALLY excited to see that the seeds have sprouted into seedlings:

The bottom left is squash and zucchini with watermelons in the top four spots. The center two rows are all cantaloupes and the far right has some more watermelons and okra.

The summer squash and zucchini have really taken off:

I have a new garden spot picked out for this year and now I'm waiting for the grass to die so I can till it up and start fresh!

Monday, April 4, 2011

10 Months!

Molly has turned 10 months old! It has gone by so fast! She is now just under 20 lbs and is 27 inches tall. This is now how I find her after she has woken up from a nap:

Her hair is really crazy and I think we're going to have to get it trimmed up before long. She had been really good about leaving clips in it, but now if she knows they're in there she pulls them right out. As you can see Banny the Bear still shares the crib with her and keeps her company (as Luke says) or attacks her (as I say). Luke tried to trick me on April Fool's Day and told me Molly had fallen out of the crib onto the floor...but she hasn't gotten to that point yet--thank goodness--she's crazy enough for me already, I don't know what I will do when she gets to that point!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

We Miss You Grandma Leila!

Newsflash--Molly loves attention and she's wearing Luke & I out now that Grandma is gone! She doesn't sit still for even a moment!! She is crawling like crazy and pulls up on everything--nothing is safe. We are so thankful that Grandma was able to come stay with us while we calved our heifers so that we were able to spend more time outside without worrying about Molly. Now that it has warmed up considerably, Molly is able to come outside with us more and it's not such a big deal. But...we were just thinking about Grandma today and missing her--and wishing she could feel the 79 degree weather we had today!!