I still find it hard to believe that it's the first week in November and Molly and I are still able to go on our afternoon walks without freezing. Yesterday it was cool and windy, but for the most part I haven't had to wear more than a sweatshirt. I tend to bundle Molly a little too much, I think, but I don't want her to get cold.

Kelly likes to lead the way. I'm so thankful that we live somewhere that we can just leave from our house and not have to worry about traffic or leashes or anything really. Can you see the gigantic dinosaur bone in Kelly's mouth? She almost always starts off the walk with this in her mouth, drops it, and then picks it up on the way back. Seriously, I have no idea where she got this bone but she is very proud of it.

I ordered Molly this adorable hat from

It's a little too big, but it's just the start of winter & I didn't want her to grow out of it before spring. She loves it (actually I have no idea, but it will keep her warm anyhow, and I love it)! Let's hope this long fall continues and Molly, Kelly & I can keep on taking our afternoon strolls!