So, I've noticed the focus of this blog has shifted from "what's different about Missouri compared to Montana" to all about baby Molly! I think it's great (and it reflects how the focus of our lives has changed), but here is something educational about Missouri to get me back on track.
In Montana we don't have hedge apples & in Missouri we do. Hedge apples are round, green fruit that fall from hedge trees this time of year. They're about the size of a softball or maybe slightly bigger and aren't edible for people. Horses and cows do eat them
occasionally, but they can be a choking hazard. The wonderful thing about them is they are rumored to scare away spiders. If there is any chance of this being true and working, I'm all about it. I HATE SPIDERS!
While I was driving to town the other day I noticed a large pile of hedge apples all over the gravel road. Since I wasn't in too much of a hurry, I stopped and threw a bunch of them in the back of the pickup. Once I got home I spread them all along the sides of the house--by the window wells, next to the doorways, etc., in hopes of warding off spiders. Here's my loot:

I also decided to try something new this year, and gave a few hedge apples a different purpose:

I turned them into festive fall votives by carving out a place in the top to hold a pumpkin scented candle. With several of them together, I came up with a table centerpiece:

Spending more time at home has allowed me to get crafty and I'm lovin' it!