Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Baby

After having a really bad week with Molly's colic, we're having a great day today. My Mom's hairdresser and a friend of mine from college both suggested that we try using gripe water for Molly's colic. The first day I didn't think it was helping, but last night Molly slept great, woke up happy and has cried very little today. It has definitely been the happiest day she has had since she has been born. So I'm giving the gripe water credit and hoping that she stays this way. Thank you so much to Diane & Alison for helping out!

Luke & his friend AJ have been hauling hay all day, so we now hopefully have all the hay our cows will need to get us through the winter. Molly and I went for a walk this morning, fixed lunch for the guys, baked cookies and now we're listening to Country Gold and getting ready to fix dinner.

Here's a picture I took of Molly a couple days ago when she was rockin' her headband:

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Sometimes it's really hard being a baby (can't you tell?).

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

On the Road

So I'm a little behind on the blogging again, surprise, surprise. A couple weeks ago Luke had to deliver some cattle mineral down to southwest Missouri and asked if Molly & I would like to go with him. Since we really didn't have any big plans for the next couple days, Molly & I took him up on the invitation. Plus he said that we could stop by the State Fair on the way home.

For the most part Molly did pretty good in the pickup. She got to stay in a hotel for the first time and did really well with that. We got a room with 2 beds in it and put her right in the middle of the second bed and she slept there just fine. She looked kind of cute all by herself in that big bed!

By the time we got to the State Fair it was so hot (heat index over 100) and we were so tired we almost just skipped it. But, we were able to get a hotel room and waited until the evening to head over to the fair. We walked around a little and then went to the rodeo. It was Molly's first rodeo. She enjoyed it at first:

But wasn't a trooper for long:

Well, we got out of the house for a couple days and got to spend some time with Luke, so it was a good trip!

Monday, August 16, 2010


We've learned that a baby swing is an essential baby item. It not only entertains Molly so we can actually set her down and get something done, but oftentimes it rocks her right to sleep. She loves it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010


Last weekend my three best friends came to visit from Montana and meet little Miss Molly. I hadn't seen Mandy or Mariah since Mariah's wedding last September, or Lynmarie since Christmas, so we were definitely due for a visit and Molly's birth gave us a great excuse to get together. It's so great to have friends that even if you don't see them for months at a time, when you do, it's just like you were never apart--love you girls!!

Molly got to meet her honorary aunties:
Saturday night we went to the Adams County Fair by Quincy, to the Lonestar concert:
Luke deserves the Dad/Husband of the Year award for taking Molly for a walk around the fair while the girls and I enjoyed the beer garden. It was a really good time.
I miss them already and can't wait until the next time we can all get together!

Three Years

Wednesday marked the third wedding anniversary for Luke & I. I can't believe three years has already gone by...but at the same time it's hard to remember life before we were together!
Happy Anniversary Honey!

Molly Update

Turns out it's really hard to keep the blog updated with all of the busyness Molly brings into my life--so sorry it's been awhile since the last post, I know everyone is anxious to see pictures.

Molly turned 2 months old last Saturday! She had a checkup with the pediatrician today, who was happy to see that she is growing and developing really well. She now weighs 12 lbs (which means she gained almost a pound a week in the last month) and also grew 2 inches in the past month! The doctor also confirmed what I had feared--that Molly has colic. However, since it doesn't seem to be effecting her growth in any way, the doctor wasn't concerned and told me to just keep doing what were doing and eventually this phase will pass. Ugh... Not sure how much more crying I can take. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm willing to try basically anything to soothe her when she has one of her episodes.

Here are some pictures from the last couple weeks:

Sitting outside in the bouncy seat:

Molly has now had 2 baths in a row that she didn't even cry during-yay! Maybe she will be a swimmer after all:

Hanging out in the stroller at the Quincy Fair last weekend: