Thursday, July 15, 2010

6 Weeks

Molly is now 6 weeks old & almost 10 lbs. and her hair is long enough for a barrette. She went to her first fair (Knox County) and cattle show last night. Here are some pictures from the last few days:

4th of July

We spent the 4th of July weekend in Carrollton with Luke's family. This was Molly's first overnight trip and she did relatively well. The evening before the 4th we went to a BBQ at Luke's cousin's house. This 4th was way more about babies than beer, but I guess were growing up! Luke has 2 other cousins that had May babies, so it was fun to see the 3 babies. Molly was definitely the smallest, but she was also the youngest and had the lowest birth weight.

On the 4th of July Molly went to her first concert-Little Texas played at the football field. Remember songs like "God Bless Texas", "Amy's Back in Austin" & "Some Guys Have All The Luck"? That's Little Texas.

All in all, Molly slept through the entire concert and never even got out of her car seat to show off her patriotic outfit.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Despite the picture, sleep is kind of a rarity around here. Molly was starting to do pretty well but in the last couple weeks she has been having more trouble sleeping at night. She does sleep really well in her car seat and pretty good in the we're taking what we can get and working on the rest.

Some may say her big sunflower headband is ridiculous, but I think it's pretty fabulous-what do you think?

Matt helped us take some family pictures while he was here. The entire time we were trying to pose, Kelly was trying to steal the show. She kept running in front of the camera at the last minute and rolling around in the grass. She was definitely acting like the older child that wasn't getting any attention. This picture turned out pretty good though-I like how she is sneaking through the background & possibly smiling-ha ha!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

On Our Own

Yesterday, Luke & Molly & I dropped off Mom & Matt at the airport so they could travel back to Montana. Mom has been here ever since Molly was born and was so much help...we just don't know what we are going to do without her! Matt has been here the last week and it seems like he just got here and had to turn around and leave again. It was SO nice to have them here and I'm so glad they got to meet Molly.

Mom also got to learn all kinds of things about Missouri while she was here. Here are some pictures from her time here:

Lots of adventures at the pond: We don't have gigantic bull frogs in Montana, so Luke shot some to show to Mom.While fishing at the pond, Kelly spotted a snake eating a frog right on the edge of the pond bank. Luckily Luke was there with the gun again and shot the snake.

I'm telling you--its just like the Discovery Channel around here! Mom was busy keeping Molly safe:
Molly loved snuggling with Uncle Matt:

On the way to the airport we stopped for a short walk to see the Locust Creek Covered Bridge:

The newest family picture:Today is Molly & Mom's first day alone. After a night of no sleep, we are having a lazy day working on laundry and getting ready for the holiday weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July!

One Month Pictures

Molly turned 1 month old on Monday! It is so hard to believe that she has already been here a month. June went by SO fast! Molly is really starting to show us her personality--she will really watch your face and seems to recognize voices. It's much more rewarding to take care of her when she can react to the way you are treating her. She is also growing like crazy. She is now 8 lbs 6 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long. I know some babies are born this big, but I just can't imagine that. She is such a tiny little thing that she is just starting to outgrow her newborn sized clothes and will soon be wearing 0-3 month size.