Sunday, May 30, 2010

38 Weeks & Other Happenings

With 12 more days to go until my due date, I am feeling pretty good and my pulled ligament is getting better. Friday was my last day of work and that was such a relief! I'm so glad I was able to make it that long and they had a really nice going away party for me. I'm SO thankful that I will be able to stay home with the baby for awhile after she is born. Although I'm sure there are lots of people out there that could take great care of her, I think it's really important that she spends these early days with her parents & family, where she will be the #1 priority! The car seat is installed in the Explorer and the hospital bag is I guess we're as ready for her arrival as we can be!
In other news, Luke has been working really hard on the garden & it is now planted!! Although we are late this year, it looks great and I can't wait for things to start sprouting. Luke bought pepper & tomato plants on Friday and I think he got a little out of control! Look at this huge row of tomato plants:

Now for some peppers:

Luke has also had to take over the strawberry picking duties since I pulled my round ligament. He has done such a wonderful job though--we already have 5-6 gallons of strawberries in the freezer and there are much more to come:

I think I mentioned earlier, the cat had kittens in the chicken coop. Yeah, that wasn't the best idea...we tried to move them but she just keeps bringing them back. It's kind of funny to see one nesting box with eggs in it and the next one has kittens in it--what a deal:

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. We've had gorgeous weather in Missouri--hot but not too humid and even a nice breeze.

Monday, May 24, 2010

At Least Another Week

Well, I went in this morning for a doctor's checkup. It turns out the pain I have been feeling is strain on my round ligament (what surrounds & supports the uterus). The majority of the baby's weight is on my left side so the Dr. said this is probably why the left side is hurting. She told me to rest and I would be fine.

I'm now dilated to 2 cm & 50% effaced. The baby has dropped 30% and according to the Dr. this is all pretty routine and right on time. She said anything can happen at this point, but she wouldn't expect for me to have the baby this week. Although I'm ready to have the baby, this is good news--Friday is my last day of work and my mom will be here next Tuesday, so I would prefer to have the baby after another week at least.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another Busy Weekend

As the due date gets closer and closer and closer we continue to be very busy on the weekends trying to get everything prepped for the baby's arrival while still just keeping up with the typical stuff around here. I'm now at 37 weeks:
My main goal for the weekend was to get the baby's dresser & changing table painted. A girl that I work with gave me a free changing table and we decided to use Luke's old dresser for the baby. Both needed a little paint job and I've been waiting until we had a weekend without rain so that I could paint outdoors and not have to worry about fumes or anything. Well, I would not recommend painting at 37 weeks pregnant, but I did get it done & they look SO much better. I wish I would of taken some "before" pictures, but I will post some later of the final result.
Something else that has really been bothering me is that my strawberries are producing like crazy (and they're so delicious) but it's really hard to pick strawberries at 37 weeks. If you don't pick them daily something either eats them or they it's kind of a daily task. After painting all morning I took a break and picked strawberries Saturday afternoon. These babies are now in our freezer until I have a little more time to do something with them:

Although I did get alot done Saturday I paid for it that night and today. I think I might of pulled a muscle because every time I move my left leg I have horrible shooting pains in my belly. This includes every time I try to walk, turn, get dressed, get out of bed, pretty much every movement hurts and hurts bad. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning so I'll have to see what they say.
Other than that, the only news I have is that Luke sold his old horse trailer today. A family from Nebraska saw it on Craig's List and drove on over and bought it! Although we had to meet them and there was some confusion as to where we were supposed to meet them, it all worked out and Luke actually sold the trailer for more than he paid for it. Success.
Oh--and Bella--my cow finally calved, the cat had kittens (in the chicken coop of all places), now it's my turn to have a baby!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11th

Today is May 11th and although it may not have much means that the baby is due in exactly 1 month! I'm now at almost 36 weeks: Yesterday Luke & I went to the doctor for a checkup and found out that we are having a girl! We are really excited and even bought a couple little dresses on the way home. The other news is that the baby already weighs 6 lbs 6 oz. This is slightly above average for this point in the pregnancy but the Dr. didn't seem concerned. Me on the other hand...well I'm thinking this sounds pretty big. I'm starting to dilate also--1 cm is all, but it's a start!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Baby Shower Weekend

Two weeks ago (wow, already!) my sister-in-law, Amanda & future sister-in-law, Emily, hosted a baby shower for Luke & I at Luke's parent's house. They had intended on having it outside but the weather didn't cooperate and everyone was stuck inside. I hope that Steve & Debbie's house wasn't too destroyed because it was really packed & there were lots of little kids there!!

It was such a nice shower though & we are so much more prepared for Baby Miller now. It's so nice to know that so many people care about our little baby. Emily made sure to make the guys feel included by having a baby bottle beer chugging contest which was pretty entertaining. Luke's cousin Kacey ended up beating all the guys anyhow! I didn't get many pictures--my camera takes terrible pictures indoors, but here are a few:

Opening presents: I wasn't feeling the best and had some pretty swollen feet--Luke was a big help!

Baby Miller's first cowboy boots! Can you believe these were Luke's at one time?

The results of the onesie decorating contest--pretty darn cute:
We also got to meet Baby Emma that weekend! Emma is my sister-in-law Amanda's baby who was born last August. She lives in Florida & with me starting a new job and being pregnant we weren't able to travel to see her. They made the trip to Missouri though, so we finally got to meet the new edition. She is such a happy & cute girl! We had alot of fun with her:

Uncle Luke & Emma: Luke worked on getting some baby experience. He even changed a diaper for Emma. In this picture he's comforting Leah's (a friend) little girl, Kendra. It worked, because she quit crying!
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby & finishing up the preparations in the nursery. We are taking a childbirth class this weekend which will hopefully not freak us out & just make us more prepared for what is to come. Some days I wish I would just have the baby & other days I feel like it can just stay in there awhile longer. Everyone keeps telling me that it's much easier to take care of while its still inside... We will just keep waiting and whenever Baby Miller is ready, it will be here!