On Sunday, I finally started to get some energy & I went outside to get some fresh air. Luke was out hunting, so Kelly & I decided to check on the calves & the progress on the corral. Flash was there to help too:

Since Saturday was Halloween, I finally picked the one pumpkin that grew in my garden. I never got around to carving it though:

Work on the corral is going really good. It's going to be so permanent and so sturdy that it will make working cows so much easier.

The calves got weaned this past weekend and got to be the first to use part of the corral. You can see the cows up on the hill and the calves looking longingly out at them:

This bull calf is our pride and joy of this years' calf crop. He's an AI calf out of Yield Grade and an EXT first calf heifer.

Mom is always asking me about the kittens, so here are some updated pictures of the 2 kitten we have that were born in June. Stripes is my favorite:

Here's Cinder. She's kind of elusive:

Well, that's about all for now. It's gorgeous this weekend--70 degrees today. I wish I felt more up to doing stuff outside. I bought a bunch of daffodil & tulip bulbs that I've been meaning to plant--I got 3 planted and gave up. Maybe I'll be up for it tommorrow. Luke is busy working on the last stretch of corral & Kelly is outside enjoying the sunshine & hunting.