Well, since I haven't even come close to writing daily, it only makes sense to have a weekend recap on Wednesday, right?
Friday night we went to dinner at the Catfish Restaurant in Memphis that we had heard SO much about since we moved to the area. We went with Miranda, Evan & Brady and really weren't too impressed. Personally, I can't stand catfish that still look like a catfish--just fried. So, I went to the "catfish place" and since all they have is a buffet, I had fried chicken instead of fish. Since Luke is Catholic and it's lent, he's not supposed to eat meat (except fish) on Fridays. This is one of the main reasons we chose to eat at this place on Friday night...but Luke forgot and was bragging about his plate that only had meat on it. Good thing Evan reminded him why we were at the Catfish Restaurant in the first place!
Saturday we went to a farm sale just East of La Plata and Luke's parents met us there. They wanted to come up for the weekend and this sale was kind of on the way. We got a pretty good deal on some bale rings and a harrow--so Luke was happy. He also got a deer stand for $2 and accidentally bid $1 (which was the winning bid) on a stack of old pallets. There were two end tables that I wanted to buy but I went to get a pop and when I got back they had already sold them!
Luke's parents stayed the night Saturday and were the first one's to get to see the new and improved spare bedroom (I'll have to post pictures sometime).
Sunday, after Steve & Debbie left, Luke & I started work on our brush clean-up project. As you can see in the picture below--our roadside ditches have become VERY overgrown and since we live in a county were nobody seems to care--you're in charge of taking care of your own ditches. And yes, those are fence posts somewhere under there--but the vines have completely taken them over!

Did I mention I love burning. The fun part of our brush clean-up project is definitely NOT the "brush clean-up". It is the burning that follows!

Well, that pretty much summed up our weekend!